M/S hours of wind Date 23/03/2010 Days 354
in each band Proven
3 1382.3 WT15000 KWh Iskra 5kw KWh Proven 6kw KWh Ampair 6Kw KWh Swift 1.5KW KWh 20m/100Kw KWh
4 1575.75 0 0 0.25 393.9375 0.1 157.575 0.4 630.3 0.08 126.06 0 0
5 1245 1 1245 0.6 747 0.7 871.5 0.5 622.5 0.19 236.55 1 1245
6 853.5 3 2560.5 1.1 938.85 1 853.5 1 853.5 0.23 196.305 5 4267.5
7 600 5 3000 1.6 960 1.5 900 1.5 900 0.35 210 15 9000
8 422 7 2954 2.4 1012.8 2.25 949.5 2.4 1012.8 0.4 168.8 25 10550
9 297.6 9.2 2737.92 3.25 967.2 3.5 1041.6 3.2 952.32 0.6 178.56 35 10416
10 169.7 13 2206.1 4.4 746.68 4.6 780.62 5.2 882.44 1.1 186.67 50 8485
11 84.9 14.7 1248.03 5 424.5 5.5 466.95 6 509.4 1.3 110.37 60 5094
12 47.5 16 760 5 237.5 5.9 280.25 6 285 1.5 71.25 73 3467.5
13 23 17 391 5 115 6 138 6 138 1.55 35.65 85 1955
14 11.3 16 180.8 5 56.5 5.8 65.54 6 67.8 1.5 16.95 90 1017
15 5.5 16 88 5 27.5 5.7 31.35 0 0 1.5 8.25 100 550
16 4.8 15 72 5 24 5.5 26.4 0 0 1.5 7.2 105 504
8498 17443.35 KWh 6651.468 KWh 6562.785 6854.06 KWh 1552.615 KWh 56551 KWh
Est Cost 42000 22000 £ 21500 £ 13500 £ 5300 £ 100000 £
Cost/KWh Produced so far 2.41 £ 3.31 £ 3.28 £ 1.97 £ 3.41 £ 1.77 £
MWh per year 17.98 MWh 6.86 MWh 6.76 MWh 7.07 MWh 1.60 MWh 58.29 MWh
Number of Houses 4.14 1.58 1.56 1.63 0.37 13.42
Annual £ 4962.65 £ 1892.35 £ 1867.12 £ 1949.99 £ 441.72 £ 11658.56 £
Payback Time 8.46 Years 11.63 Years 11.52 Years 6.92 Years 12.00 Years 8.58 Years
Carbon Emissions saved 34.2 tons/year 13.0 tons/year 12.9 tons/year 13.4 tons/year 3.0 tons/year 110.8 tons/year